October 28, 2007

illegals driving?

New York Governor Eliot Spitzer proposed a plan that will make it easier to obtain a New York drivers license. The proposed plan does not require future drivers to give their social security number or prove that they are eligible to get your drivers license. This means that almost anybody can get their driver’s license, especially illegal immigrants.

Spitzer’s plan is not only unpopular with New York residents, but nationwide as well. If his proposed plan goes into effect, New York will join 8 other states that allows illegal’s to drive. Currently, only Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, andWashington allow this.

What makes this plan so controversial?

Giving away license, like giving out candy during Halloween, can cause a lot of chaos. The first problem is voting. When you vote you can use your drivers license as a source of identification. If an illegal gets their drivers license they can vote and get away with it. If they do vote they would probably vote for a candidate that they will benefit from, instead of voting for the candidate that is best for the country.

The second problem is security reasons. Just imagine a terrorist from a foreign country, like Iraq, comes here illegally. The first thing they would probably do is get their drivers license. With the license, they could use it to get into our airports. This could make it difficult for law enforcement agencies to track them down. After 9/11, you want to make our airports safer not insecure.

Another problem is unemployment rate. If illegal’s can drive, this means that more business will hire them instead of legal residence. Businesses look forward to hire them because they can pay them less money than a legal citizen. Also business doesn’t have to pay them health care or give them any benefits. If they get caught, the business can say that, I didn’t know he is illegal. As a result of this, the middle-class and the poor suffer from this. There will be fewer jobs available for legal citizens and unemployment rates are going to increase.

For the legal citizens, they came here and had to go through the process. They had to study hard and pass a written test to become a US citizen. After becoming a citizen, they have to work hard to support themselves and their families. People that came here illegally have more of an advantage over legal citizens. Businesses are looking forward to hire them for lower wages. Illegals are taking away jobs from the legal citizens. This is unfair for the legal’s who worked so hard just to come here, only for an illegal to take it away.

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